Labor Day has come and gone and the kids are back to school. With (technically) just a week left in summer, we are on the brink of autumn, a beautiful time of year in New England, but also the start of cold and flu season. While most people seem to stay healthy during the summer, fall and winter seem to be a different case. Here are just a few ways in which you can enjoy a happy and healthy fall:
Wash Your Hands!
With an increased amount of people back to work and school comes and increased chance of catching a cold. As most families take their vacations during the summer, they are not inside as much. However, when fall rolls around, it’s back to work (or school); as such, germs seem to spread easier during the colder months.
This fall, make sure to wash your hands with soap and warm water as frequently as possible. Refrain from touching your eyes, nose, ears or face, and carry a bottle of hand sanitizer for situations where a sink is not readily accessible.
Washing your hands is especially important for young students. Those who spend their entire day in a classroom with other students often share supplies and books with each other. Thus, germs can spread in no time.
Get Outside!
Just because temperatures have dropped doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the beautiful fall weather that New England has to offer. There are plenty of fall activities to enjoy – from pumpkin carving and apple picking to hayrides and autumn hikes. Many make the mistake of hibernating until spring, which deprives them of Vitamin D and physical activity, and ultimately results in them falling ill.
If you’re too busy to get outside during the workweek, consider taking a quick walk during your lunch break or before/after work.
Enjoy Fall Treats in Moderation
Fall has become synonymous with delicious treats such as Apple Pie, Pumpkin Beer and Halloween Candy. While it’s okay to enjoy these indulgences, do so in moderation. As with any junk food or desert, make sure to offset your consumption with regular exercise and otherwise healthy eating.
Don’t Say No to H2O!
A common mistake during fall is to reduce your water intake. With cooler temperatures and decreased sunshine, many assume they don’t need as much water. Don’t fall victim to this fallacy – when fall comes, continue to stay hydrated to avoid becoming run down or contracting the common cold.
Ever notice the onset of allergies during autumn? If you do, chances are you may be allergic to ragweed, mold or pollen. Consult your physician for healthcare professional for advice on how to deal with those pesky fall allergies, which can start as early as August.